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  • High Mesa Standards

    Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado So far this is the testing we have on Montrose.She is genetically sound and carries for Phantom, Parti, and Tri. OFA tests HERE Rose's PennHIP results! So Excited!

  • High Mesa Standards

    Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado PRICING Suu Subject to change We reserve the right to refuse purchase to anyone and we will not sell to Doodle breeders, or Merle Breeders, or allow our lines to be used for such breeding. Prices are now $3,000.00 for any pick of the litter, no breeding rights, and spay/neuter contract. There will no longer be a higher rate for breeding rights, although, very few of those will be given. No breeding rights will be granted without a full discussion about the plans of the breeder. Full Rights, if granted are to those who have been interviewed, plan to show and Title in Conformation, or other competitions, plan to fully health test to OFA standards, both Sire and Dam, and MAY be considered IF there is a breading quality Puppy Available . In such case, full rights will not be granted, and puppy will be on a co-own contract, until titling and testing is fulfilled and cleared. High Mesa Standards has only quality puppies, there are no seconds, and no throwbacks. Please don't ask us to make exceptions or change our pricing or contracts. Breeding quality, healthy animals comes with a high price to the breeder. You are getting an exceptional friend for the money, and every puppy comes with a 1 year genetic health guarantee. If your puppy comes down with any of the genetic diseases we have tested for, we will review your case with, proof from veterinarian testing, and come to an agreement for compensation. Whether that means taking the puppy back for a full or partial refund, or helping with veterinarian costs. Interested in a PRE-trained puppy? YES contact us submit a contract Pricing: Text

  • High Mesa Standards

    Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado STUD CONTRACT *STUD contract is subject to change based on individual circumstances View STUD contract here

  • High Mesa Standards

    Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado Turnkey Puppies Our puppies here at High Mesa Standards already come with a fair amount of training and we at High Mesa realize not everybody has time to train a new puppy, but that doesn't make them unqualified to own one. In some cases owners don't know the first thing about training a puppy to have house manners, Like COME, GO, OFF, LEAVE IT, STAY, SIT, etc. That is why we offer training for your new puppy, at an extra cost of course, but if you don't have the time, it is WELL worth the money to have a new puppy at your home with built in manners! ask us about our rates, because it will all depend on what your particular needs are, and how long that training will take. Give me a call, and lets chat! We also encourage you to watch our weekly videos(puppy report cards page) and witness what and how your puppies are being trained, so that you are familiar and ready to start your home based training with your puppy the right way. give me a call Share

  • High Mesa Standards

    Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado Outside Sires Because we are a preservation breeder, trying regularly to improve on our lines, we find it necessary to hire the use of an outside stud. These Studs have been thoroughly tested just like our own dogs, and heavily analyzed in order to achieve the very best breeding we can find for our litters. The below Sires have been chosen for our next two breedings Read More FOR ROSE GRCH Despres High Mesa Montrose Marquee TKN, CGC,CGCA, CGCU Total Dog GRCH Delovely's Make My Day CGC, RACEN, SPOT-ON, HOT

  • High Mesa Standards

    Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado Our Sires: Our Services OUR SIRES UCHAMPION Despr e's High Mesa Telluride Attitude Available Stud to approved females only Meet Telly, He was so special we couldn't let him go, He has been added to our program, Of course all of his testing has come out clear and well. He will add a bit shorter body, and that beautiful tuxedo pattern, and personality of a servant, but also has great drive with an obedient heart, He has earned his Championship in his first show, and has completed all of his CHIC testing PLUS some, and diversity testing with BETTERBRED. He has sired a first little which produced 8 multi color puppies and one appears to be a phantom, two sables, 4 partis and a black abstract-all of the partis and abstracts could be blue, or silver. It's too early to know. and He will be 4 in August 2024. We are excited to see what else he brings. More ABout Telly STUD Contract UCH Sir Arthur Pierce Maxwell KTN PIERCE! Unfortunately, Pierce Shredded and swallowed a washcloth he found in the back yard, and it damaged his colon so bad they could not save him without taking his joy away. We miss him so much and I am devastated without my sweet boy! Pierce- Black Parti Standard Poodle. Standing 24 1/2 inches and 50 lbs, is a very fun-loving, active male. He adds so much flavor to our bunch. He came to us without many manners, but in such a short time, he has picked up everything we have taught him AND we brought him to his first show ever, where he performed amazingly, and was so willing to do anything I asked of him. He has now shown in two shows, picked up 90 points and two competition wins needed towards his Championship ( 100 pts and 3 comp wins needed for champion) In conformation, he adds a wonderful angulation in the rear, nice shelf, high tight feet, a really nice top line and shorter loin. Everything we have been looking to improve on our line. We could not be more pleased. He also is very healthy, and adds a little more in the sporty category. Still, he has a wonderful fast off switch, and is very mellow inside. He LOVES a challenge and loves to learn, and be handled. He loves to GO everywhere with us and rides in the car like a champ. We can't wait for you all to meet him, and to see what he and Rose produce for Pups. We will also be offering him for stud, as he is fully tested and has his OFA CHIC number check out his testing Also, Check out his Pedigree here HERE Pedigree High Mesa's General Fenzenheimer Finn's genetic testing Sweet and handsome Finn! He is out of our first litter between Breezy/Parker, He is guardian homed in Denver, Co. By my S ister and Brother-in-law . Sire is UKC GRAND CHAMPION Dam is UKC CHAMPION He is a looker, with a sweet disposition. He brings us the TRUE silver parti color, and impeccable show quality lines. When having Finn genetically tested, we were disappointed to find that he is a carrier of DM, which is only a problem if he is paired with another DM carrier. We have decided that we may still use him to continue the beautiful silver lines we have between Breezy and Parker. If we decide to use him for stud in the future, every puppy produced from their litters, will be genetically tested before going to homes and any puppies who carry the dm gene will be spayed or neutered before their first heat(for males by 6 months). No breeding rights will be given on DM positive puppies for safety's sake.

  • High Mesa Standards

    Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado

  • High Mesa Standards

    Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado Our Puppies: Our Services OUR PUPPIES Little Cutie Pies see available puppies here Our Puppies are going to have it all! While every puppy is different and has a different personality, we are going to try our hardest to ensure that you get a puppy that has been through EVERYTHING that he/she might encounter at your home, business, farm, condo, apartment, etc. We will start them from the moment they are born with imprinting them to human touch, breath, and vocals. We will never let our puppies out of the nursery until they are at least 8 weeks old(usually closer to 9-10), and have started to show confidence in this world we are living in. Our Job as conscientious breeders, is to ensure the well being of all of our puppies, which is why we require a home study, which usually includes a Facetime call, character references, and a full contract agreement to never breed your puppy without personal consent. You must agree as a responsible owner to Spay or neuter by the time noted on your contract from High Mesa Standards, and agree that if for any reason you decide this puppy is not for you, you send it back to High Mesa Standards. This is specifically to ensure that None of our puppies end up in a shelter, or worse, neglected at home with no love. This would break my heart. Get in Touch Puppy Contract Turnkey Puppies

  • High Mesa Standards

    Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado Health Reporting and Management This page is dedicated to providing our puppy buyers with full disclosure of the health of our breeding parents, as well as our puppies. When Our puppy parents report to us health issues or oddities that they have witnessed in their dogs, we want to share that information with you. We want to be as open and transparent as we can be for the love of our puppies, their futures, and for the love of you, our puppy parents. Here is the harsh reality of the dog/breeding world. Science and what is healthy and what is not, changes every day. We try as hard as we can to always err on the side of healthy and stay on the current testing/protocol as is dictated by the experts. Any time I hear of a new way to upgrade my health protocol, I do. Even with all of the tests, and feeding care, environmental cautions etc., we still have dogs that come down with illness. It is very unfortunate, and painful for any breeder who loves these little lives. EVERY BREEDER has health challenges that come up in their breeding. It isn't spoken about much because it is harshly judged in the Purebred world. If a reputable breeder discloses any health issues, there are those who are just waiting to hear it and gossip about it and use it to discredit even the most careful best breeders, as to make themselves look greater. I don't have time for those kids of people in my life. I am dedicated to doing what is best for these puppies and those who trust me and High Mesa Standards as their breeder of choice. There are a LOT of breeders out there! And many that even claim that they are great breeders, BUT if they are not willing to admit that there are issues in their puppies, they are not doing the BEST they can do for them. They can claim all the testing and titling in the world, but if they are not disclosing their health to one another, or worse, lying about the health records of the puppies they are producing, how is that really doing what is best for the puppies? In order to stay accountable and allow anyone who is searching and may even be researching to hear the good, bad and ugly of the dog breeding life, we have videos of daily life, testing, vet care, and training that we do here, AND NOW, are adding a health report page that you can view before deciding on a puppy for your family. You may also text me directly at the number below, and add any issues to this list including behavioral. Even though behavior is hard to judge at a distance weather the dog is the issue or the trainer lol. So Far, this is what we have to report to you: NOTE: I am not adding any of the puppy's new names, as well as ower's names in order to respect their privacy. If you 'would like to ask them questions, I MAY be able to get permission LITTER 1 Breezy/Parker litter (Oceanic Litter ) 7/26/19 10 puppies in litter one killed accidentally by mama nesting 3 acquired an autoimmune disease from what was believed getting a Leptospirosis vaccine at 7 weeks all 3 deceased after about a year 6 healthy with no known issues Litter 2- Breezy/Bandit (Rocky Mountain Litter) 8/19/2020 9 puppies all born healthy Mesa- reported a fatty cyst (non cancerous) removed from shoulder no other reports on this litter Litter 3-Breezy/Bandit (Caribbean Islands Litter) 9 puppies born all healthy Jamaica-reported having Chicken allergies.(food) Dominica-reported bloat that was repaired and has been well since Cayman-reported growing pains that resolved after teen age Montego- reported bloating, having gastropexy, and then bloating and tearing the gastropexy and eventually not recovering from bloat-deceased-Tobago-Reported bloat, and has had surgery to tack stomach and is doing well. I'm very confused as to why this particular litter has had bloat and others have not. Litter 4-Breezy/Bandit(Colorado's famous 14er's Litter) 10 puppies born, all healthy Shavano- reported have 2 seizures, and has gone through extensive testing to understand why, with no conclusion yet, but has an irregular heartbeat that is unlikely the cause, but possible. I will update her as we know more. Blanca- has reported acquiring Addison's. After seeing the vet to discover Addison's, because of an uneducated decision to administer too much steroid, already being fully vaccinated against Parvo, she also contracted parvo at the vet, and almost died from the incident. It was only by the owner's amazing love and understanding of medical issues that she was able to get her to a hospital that specializes in Trauma such as this, and saved her life. She is back to 100% they say. She is SO LOVED, and I am also so thankful they had insurance. She also strongly urges everyone to look into insurance for their beloved pets. Breezy(her mother) has been retired and Spayed in Leu of this information, which were our plans anyways, but because there is no way of testing for Addison's predisposition, we must move ahead with breeding until we get one of these grim cases and then, if it happens, we don't use that pairing again. This is when we introduced Pierce as our new Stud for our program. Pierce had a healthy beginning, with no reports of puppy illnesses, he has a wider chest which we believe will help alleviate bloat. And we added diversity testing into our program as soon as we learned of it. We tested Pierce and our next female Montrose for diversity, and found it a category 10 (which is the best you can get in non relatedness) So we hope this helps also in Addison's, but didn't know about the Addison's dx at the time we made that decision. We are encouraged that we can move forward, increasing our health outcome for the next generations of puppies. Now moving on to: Litter 1- Montrose/Pierce (Colorado Mountain Passes Litter) 10 puppies born only 4 born alive All 4 so far have been healthy smart and happy. No reports from owners, but puppies are only 5 months we don't understand what happened with this litter, but we had two undeveloped, and 4 deceased but extremely skinny, Puppies were all well under normal range weights What we believe: Rose was not at all interested in food while pregnant with this litter. I was constantly force feeding her to try to keep her nutrition, but toward the end, she just got very skinny. She didn't even begin to show until her 6th week of pregnancy, we didn't think she was pregnant. I believe that the puppies were malnourished, OR because Rose loves to run so much may have injured the puppies invitro while she was rough housing with the other poodles. We are going to monitor her much more carefully this litter What we are doing now: We have attempted another litter with Pierce and Rose,with GREAT success! This time we started Rose on OXYmate, and Pierce on OXYstud to boost their health and Pierce's sperm. So they were as strong as could be. We also started Rose on Diamond Naturals Puppy food to keep her weight on her. I am happy to report that Rose has gained about 6 lbs. and is looking healthier than ever! We are thankful for this 10 out 0f 10 super healthy litter. If anyone desires to know more info, or would like to add to or correct any of these statements, please feel free to call me at the number below. I am always open to hear ideas, Or to elaborate on the things I know. Thank you all who have added to my research, by reporting, and to helping us improve this amazing breed that is SO underestimated and needs to be a healthier breed. We need to bring them back to the beginnings they had. Such regal, graceful, powerfully smart and strong, willing servants of the human. I just can't say enough about them. Blessings! Teresa Despres High Mesa Standards

  • High Mesa Standards

    Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado OUR EDUCATION As a breeder, Trainer, and overall dog enthusiast, I feel better equipped if I continue my education with classes, courses, and hands on experiences, as much as I possibly can. Science is always changing and challenging what we think we know about the Canine world. I want to make sure I am keeping up with the science. Also, there are always new things I can learn that I have never heard before. On this page, I list a few of my classes, and companies that I find enrich my knowledge. has a TON of great resources for ongoing education if you are so inclined. I really enjoy theses seminars, and learn a bunch!

  • High Mesa Standards

    Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado PUPPY REPORT CARDS It's getting to be that time! What time you ask? The time that we stop dreaming about our next litter, and start making our arrangements ! We have finalized one stud agreement, for Pagosa, and are now Finalizing Rose's Agreement. For more information on who we chose, and why, go to the NURSERY NEWS page HERE Last Updated 02/10/2025 W elcome to the most exciting page we have on our web site! On this page you get a day by day view and report into our puppies (and your potential puppy), Each Day I test, socialize, condition, and work with each puppy on things they will need to know to be a great family member! I will add video and test scores that they receive for each category of tests. This way, you can see how each puppy is developing and see what their personalities are like along they way. You may also see ones that you feel you connect better with as far as temperament. This page is for YOU! Below you will see our most recent litter. We have left up some of the last litter's videos, so, view the past puppies while you can!They will eventually get replaced with videos of the new puppies, but can always be viewed on our Youtube Channel They have all grown into amazing, loving, well rounded, members of their families and are well loved! Puppy Report Cards INTRDUCING: The RIVIERA MAYA LITTER uploading NEW videos regularly, please ask to be added to our next litter's list. Check weekly for pupdates ! Litter # * report in no way guarantees that a puppy has a certain type of personality, it just helps you to make the best decision for your lifestyle. status for each Pup on mobile is below picture We Now start the POINT SYSTEM for grading how well they COPE with what we are giving them. We will grade 1-10 Points change over time, so don't judge by one score, but rather see how they are improving over time. we have left videos from the previous litter below each pictur e in case you are curious of the past puppies, but eventually they will be traded out for the new puppies videos NEW: Watch what Coba is learning ! NEW: Water introduction #2 The Journey begins! I always give the Babies time to heal from Docking and Dew Claw removal, before we start our intensive life training! This is where I get super excited! As a life long trainer and behaviorist, my love is to instill a firm foundation for these puppies. I have always been a firm believer in the "start early", functional, daily training and conditioning. We use natural tools to stimulate the senses.Their God given instinct to "FIND MOM" is so strong, and we can use it to promote tenacity, and strength, not only physically, but mentally. We want to add critical thinking, starting now! Most of the technique for this strategy, is slight and tender. A lot of touch and smell of different humans, that lead them to feel comfortable and safe. Instilling trust of those humans by helping them make their trek to the almighty nipple. These exercises begin the introduction of the puppy, to, "Whatever is attached to this smell and this touch, it's here to help me!" We want them first and foremost to trust us humans, and see us as the leadership they need to tap in to and follow. And to see us as the wise fearless leaders that they can confidently learn from. NEW: Puppy Play Day NEW: Sound Socialization, water bottle NEW: DOGGIE DOOR TRAINING NEW: Puppies learn to walk The Give and Take Game Corporate Sitting Another day in the life of a Standard Poodle breeder NEW: Puppies eat their first solid food Here NEW: Puppy's first shot and 3rd worming day NEW: Follow me game with Xpu-ha, Carmen, and Coba NEW: Follow me game with Cozumel, Riviera, and Roo NEW: Follow me game with Maya, Merida, and Xaret NEW: Three Puppies Left NEW: Coba learning to stay through TSA Things we are working on daily will go down here : 1) 3rd Groom with face shave (10) 2) Puppy teeth/bite check Right, good/Left, narrow 3) ENS-LIME 4) grooming, BATH(10) DRY (9) nails(8) SHAVE(8) 5) ENS banging crashing 7) Basic training- (8) HEALTH CHECK-TEETH right-good, left-narrow (9) ENS- (10) Grooming 11) Face shave 12) Birth weight: 10.0 oz Weight now: 7 lb 15 oz Activity Level: low Vocal Level: low Sex: M NEW: Tulum's ON and OFF game NEW: Tulum-Leave It Charlie now! NEW: Tulum's 1st car ride Tulum's 1st leash walk Tulum's sit training Tulum's Meet and Greet Tulum's first full groom Tulum's electric Toothbrush Tulum-nail clipping Tulum Face shave sold HELLO! my name is CHARLIE, used to be TULUM! IVE BEEN CHOSEN and I'm living in California. I am very well adored even though I have a stubborn streak and can be mischievous at times. I am a beautiful red Sable and I am getting rather large. I am named after one of the last cities inhabited by the Maya people, Tulum has the most spectacular coastal views. I am the Red Collar Male. Sable Parti, which means I will most likely fade considerably. I am fairly quiet and reserved, but I pay close attention to people and am very smart. Things we are working on daily will go down here : 1) Third grrom with face shave(10) 2) Puppy teeth/bite check- Right good/Left, good 3) ENS-crashing banging 4) grooming, BATH(10) DRY (10) nails(8) SHAVE(9) 5) HEALTH CHECK- TEETH Right-good, left-good 6) Basic training-leashes/sit 7) ENS- 8) ENS- 9) Grooming ) 10) Face Shave 11) bath and dry Birth Weight: 9.5 oz. Weight now: 6 lb 14 oz. Activity level: normal/high Vocal level: med-high SEX: F NEW: Carmen's ON and OFF game NEW: Carmen's 1st leash walk NEW: Carmen's sit training NEW: Carmen Meet and Greet Carmen's nail clipping Carmen's face shave NEW: Carmen's full groom Carmen's electric toothbrush SOLD Hi, I'm Carmen! I'm in my new home in Denver!!! Playa del Carmen, known colloquially as 'Playa', is a resort city located along the Caribbean Sea in the state of Quintana Roo I am the Pink Collar Female. A dark Sable parti, I am very social and will do anything you ask just to be with you. maybe a bit velcro, and love conversation. I'm brave and happily try new things. One of the firsts through the dog door. Winnie! Things we are working on daily will go down here : 1) Third groom and face shave(10) 2) Puppy teeth/bite check- Right slight narrow/Left slight narrow 3) ENS banging/ crashing 4) grooming, BATH(8) DRY (7) nails(10) SHAVE(8) 5) HEATH CHECK-TEETH right-slightly narrow, left-slightly narrow 6) Basic training- 7) ENS- 8) ENS- 9) Grooming 10) Face Shave 11) bath and dry Birth Weight : 10.2 oz. Weight now: 2 lb 8 oz Activity level: normal V ocal level: high SEX : F NEW: Maya's ON and OFF game NEW: Maya's 1st leash walk NEW: Maya's sit training NEW: Maya's Meet and Greet NEW: Maya's Full groom Maya's electric toothbrush Maya's nail clipping Maya's face shave Things we are working on daily will go down h 1) Third groom and face shave (10) 2) Puppy teeth/bite check-Right slight narrow/Left slight narrow 3) ENS-crashing banging 4) grooming, BATH(8) DRY (8) nails(10) SHAVE(7) 5) HEATH CHECK-TEETH right-slightly narrow, left-slightly narrow 6) Basic training- 7) ENS- 8) ENS- 9) Grooming () 10) Face Shave () 11) bath and dry () Birth Weight: 10.1 oz. Weight now: 6 lb 6 oz Activity level: med-high Vocal level: med SEX: M NEW: Cozumel's ON and OFF game NEW: Cozumel's 1st leash walk NEW: Cozumel's sit training NEW: Cozumel's Meet and Greet Cozumel's electric toothbrush Cozumel's nail clipping Cozumel's face shave NEW: Cozumel's full groom SOLD Hola! I am Maya. I'VE BEEN CHOSEN!!! I'm in my new home in Denver with my big brother Finn. I'm Named after an aboriginal tribe of Yucatan. I am, very friendly. and my insecurities seem to be fading fast. I am now one of the first to try new things, even though I am still cautious, I am coming out of my shell. I love being with people, and I'm always in someone's lap. I am the Purple Collar Female. Sable Tuxedo Parti COSMO! SOLD Welcome! I am Cozumel or affectionately known as Coz. I am living in Texas with CRIMSON from our very first litter, Xavier(princeton) from Our famous 14r's litter, and also BLUE (Xpu-Ha) from the same litter as mine. I am confident and sometimes quite the stinker, but loyal and love my people and my dog siblings. I'VE BEEN CHOSEN!! I'm on my way to Texas, there are now 5 of us in the same family!!! I'm named after an island and municipality in the Caribbean Sea off the eastern coast of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula. I am very friendly and fairly brave,I have started responding quickly to the "QUIET" command! I am trying hard to become Alpha in my pack. I am active and push my way to the front of the line often. I am the Orange Collar Male-Silver Sable Tuxedo Parti BLUE! Things we are working on daily will go down her 1) Third groom and face shave (10) 2)Puppy teeth/bite check- Right, narrow/left slight narrow 3) ENS-crashing/banging 4) grooming, BATH(8) DRY (8) nails(10) SHAVE(6) 5) HEATH CHECK-TEETH right-narrow, left- slightly narrow 6) Basic training-leashes/sit () 7) ENS-Coffee 8) ENS- Turkey/Chicken feathers 9) Grooming () 10) Face Shave () 11) bath and dry () Birth Weight: 10.6 oz. Weight now: 7 lb 6 oz Activity level: med Vocal level: med SEX: M NEW: Xpu-Ha's ON and Off game NEW: Xpu-Ha's 1st car ride NEW: Xpu-Ha's 1st leash walk NEW: Xpu-Ha"s Sit training NEW: Xpu-Ha"s Meet and Greet Xpu-Ha"s electric toothbrush Xpu-Ha"s nail clipping Xpu-Ha's face shave NEW: Xpu-Ha's full groom SOLD Greetings! I've BEEN CHOSEN!!! I'm in my new home in Texas. My name is now BLUE, used to be Xpu-Ha (pronounced sh'poo-ha) derived from the Maya, it means ‘The river of two waters going out to the sea’. It is just south of Playa del Carmen in the municipality of Solidaridad in the state of Quintana Roo. I am one of the largest in the pack, only behind Tulum now. I am a good listener and learn and comply very fast. I am always looking at people's eyes to try and read them. I am medium vocals, and first to learn many things. Medium activity level makes me a good candidate for sports. I am the Green Collar Male-Black Parti Chism SOLD Things we are working on daily will go down her 1) Third groom and face shave(10) 2) Puppy teeth/bite check-Right, good/Left, Good 3) ENS-banging/crashing 4) grooming, BATH(10) DRY (6) nails(6) SHAVE(5) 5) HEATH CHECK-TEETH right-good, left-good 6) Basic training- 7) ENS-Coffee 8) ENS- 9) Grooming () 10) Face Shave () 11) bath and dry () Birth Weight: 9.7 oz. Weight now: 17 lb Activity level: low Vocal level: low SEX: M NEW: MEET COBA NEW: Coba, come/sit NEW: Coba, come/sit-face me NEW: Coba's ON and OFF game NEW: Coba's 1st leash walk NEW: Coba's sit training NEW: Coba's Meet and Greet Coba's electric toothbrush Coba's nail clipping Coba's face shave NEW: Coba's full groom Hey there! I am Chisum(formerly Coba) I'm living in Alaska as a service friend! I already do my new job well , and have earned two Trick titles and my CGC! I am well loved and needed, Everyone at classes wants to "Train the Poodle". Coba' is an ancient Maya city on the Yucatán Peninsula, located in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. I am more active than I was and I'm maturing fast. I have decided to start playing more, and am not as sedentary as I was before . I go in and out of the doggie door when I feel the need, but I'm in no hurry to get there. I have started responding well to the "quiet" command so I am showing my intelligence. Aleena came to visit and babysit for a few days and she says I am her favorite because I LOVE to cuddle and be talked to. I am the Navy Collar Male Black Phantom Parti Farrah! SOLD Things we are working on daily will go down her 1) Third groom and face shave (10) 2) Puppy teeth/bite check-Right, good/Left, good 3) ENS- crawshing/banging 4) grooming, BATH(10) DRY (9) nails(10) SHAVE(9) 5) HEATH CHECK-TEETH right-good, left-good 6) Basic training 7) ENS- 8) ENS- 9) Grooming 10) Face Shave 11) bath and dry Birth Weight: 9.9 oz. Weight now: 6 lb 8 oz Activity level: med Vocal level: low SEX: F NEW: Merida's Sit training NEW: Merida's 1st leash walk NEW: Merida's ON and OFF game NEW: Merida's Meet and Greet Merida's electric toothbrush Merida's nail clipping Merida's face shave NEW: Merida's full Groom Hello There! I am Merida!( Now Farrah) I'VE BEEN CHOSEN!!! I'm in my new home in Texas! Merida is the capital of the Mexican state of Yucatán, and the largest city in southeastern Mexico. I am not as spicey, and a better listener now. I do love to be involved in play, and I am one that hasn't startled easily in the noise tests.. I try new things, but always with a little caution. Maturity, may change that though. I am the White Collar Female-Sable Tuxedo Parti Things we are working on daily will go down her 1) Fifth groom and face shave (8) 2) Puppy teeth/bite check-Right, good/Left, good 3) ENS-crashing/banging 4) grooming, ATH(9) DRY (9) nails(10) SHAVE(9) 5) HEATH CHECK-TEETH right-good, left-good 6) Basic training- 7) ENS- 8) ENS 9) Grooming 10) Face Shave 11) bath and dry Birth Weight: 9.7 oz. Weight now: 15 lb Activity level: med -high Vocal level: med SEX: M NEW: Roo's 1st leash walk NEW: Roo's ON anf OFF game NEW, MEET ROO NEW: Roo's sit training NEW, Roo sit/stay NEW: Roo's Meet and Greet Roo's electric toothbrush Roo's nail clipping Roo's face shave NEW: Roo's full groom so sorry, Roo's bath got deleted, but he did really good! He scored a 10! sold Howdy! I'VE BEEN CHOSEN!! I'm Roo! and I'm full of spit and vinegar! I am very playful and vocal with my new family, and I am loving my new life! I live in Washington with Shavano! one of my sisters from an earlier litter! My name is Quintana Roo! Just call me Roo for short. Quintana Roo, a unique region in the world, diverse in terms of destinations and tourist attractions: Blue sea, white sand beaches, tropical jungle, and archaeological sites. I am a medium active sweet boy, who loves to play and clown around. I can have a voice, but it depends on the day. I am one of the smallest in the litter, medium activity, fun loving and funny. I am doing really well in obedience and excel in it, I love laying on my back on laps and being stroked. I love other animals and kids, I am the Aqua Collar Male-black or Tuxedo Parti Quintana Roo Drama King !! lol little Roo is co cute Things we are working on daily will go down her 1) Third groom and face shave (10) 2) SOUND-door knocking 3) ENS-crashing/banging 4) grooming, BATH(10) DRY (8) nails(10) SHAVE(7) 5) HEATH CHECK-TEETH right-slightly narrow, left slightly narrow 6) Basic training- 7) ENS- 8) ENS- 9) Grooming 10) Face Shave 11) bath and dry Lilly! Birth Weight: 9.0 oz. Weight now: 5 lb 15 oz Activity level: med Vocal level: low SEX: F NEW: Rivia's ON and OFF game NEW: Rivia's 1st leash walk NEW: Rivia's sit training NEW: Rivia's Meet and Greet Rivia's electric toothbrush Rivia's nail clipping Rivia's face shave NEW: Rivia's full Groom SOLD Hey Ya! my name is LILY it was Riviera! I'VE BEEN CHOSEN TO LIVE IN A SHOW HOME!!!! I'm beautiful, a little hard headed, and learning the show ropes while getting some training. Riviera is an Italian word which means 'coastline. The Riviera Maya has one of the most beautiful coastlines anywhere. I am quiet and pretty chill. I don't quickly jump into things before considering the situation. I am trusting of people though. Medium to low activity level, but I hold my own in scuffles with litter mates. I am one of the smarter in the litter and figure mazes out fast. Time will tell more with me. I am the Yellow Collar Female-Black/Blue, or Silver Tuxedo Parti Things we are working on daily will go down her 1) Third groom and face shave (10) 2) SOUND- 3) ENS-crashing/banging 4) grooming, BATH(10) DRY (9) nails(8) SHAVE(5) 5) HEATH CHECK-TEETH right-good, left-good 6) Basic training- 7) ENS- 8) ENS- 9) Grooming 10) Face Shave 11) bath and dry Birth Weight: 9.0 oz. Weight now: 16 lb Activity level: med Vocal level: med SEX: M NEW: Xcaret's ON and OFF game NEW: Xcaret's come and stay NEW: Xcaret's in and out game Xcaret's 1st leash walk Xcaret's sit training Xcaret'sMeet and Greet Xcaret's electric toothbrush Xcaret's nail clipping Xcaret's face shave I am SO SORRY, somehow all my footage of XARET'S groom got deleted before I looked to see if it properly uploaded to youtube, I will get another bath in the future. He did very well on everything except the shave where he cried and wiggled the whole time, SOLD Hi! I'mTOBY , formerly Xcaret (pronounced Scaret), I live part of my life in Colorado Springs, and Part in The San Juan mountains. I am very well loved and get to come back to my birth place to get squeezes and grooms. My owners are Home builders of amazingly beautiful homes in Colorado Springs! Xcaret is a Maya civilization archaeological site located on the Caribbean coastline of the Yucatán Peninsula. Known for it's laid back atmosphere, sometimes called a giant water park. I am a personable sweet boy with a love for people and touch. I am extremely smart and learn new tasks quickly. I am happy and friendly, and will gaze into your eyes to get your attention. I don't use my voice a lot unless I'm being ignored. I love to cuddle and be held and stroked. I try new things fairly easily. I'm not afraid of most things. Toby! Heading 1 Toby, Rose, and Breezy

  • High Mesa Standards

    Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado BREEZY's Past Puppies


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