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- High Mesa Standards
Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado Pagosa's Testing
- High Mesa Standards
Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado Pagosa's Pedigree
- High Mesa Standards
Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado Breezy's OFA testing CLICK HERE
- High Mesa Standards
Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado
- High Mesa Standards
Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado THE STORY OF HIGH MESA STANDARDS How We Got Started From the time I was a young girl, I have always loved animals. Particularly DOGS! I love them, everything about them. My parents started out their marriage early years showing Dobermans. Over the years we have had many different breeds, and had many years of learning what training methods work best with what dogs. As an adult it just seemed natural for me to start an obedience training business. I did that (training) for many years, and even included classes with the rec district of Montrose county. After my kids started school, we decided I needed to home school my kids, and I ended my dog training business. My kids are grown now, and so I am back to my love of dogs. I specifically loved the Standard Poodle's Intelligence, and wanted to try a breeding program that focused on personality and health traits, as well as beauty. I believed I could achieve a better Standard poodle based on those qualities, AND have beauty too. And so, High Mesa Standards was born. I know you are going to love our puppies as much as we do. About: About
- High Mesa Standards
Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado NURSERY NEWS More exciting news! We have had enough interest in a litter from Pagosa, and have found a great match for her, that we have now decided to add her to the upcoming litters list. Introducing Cedar Cove's My Profound Love (aka Mylo) We do have a list started, and many of those who were interested, have not yet added their names to this list, so if you are wanting to get on the list you should do so now! The Stud we chose for Pagosa had mostly to do with health and diversity. Since our females are considered more "inbred", we have been fervently looking for OUTLIERS. We have found A great male for Pagosa, that not only compliments her DNA, but has many of the things that we are looking for to improve her body. We have some exciting upcoming news for our future puppy enthusiasts! Because of the loss of our beautiful Stud boy, Pierce, we have had to search and search for the right Stud for our girl Rose. He is the most perfect mate we could find. In diversity terms, he and Rose are a category 10. And oddly enough he is from the breeder that we sent Riviera from our last litter to(Astyanax Poodles). He has great testing, which we will post here for your viewing, If you want to look him up on OFA, his registered name is UGrch Delovely's Make My Day CGC Racen, SPOT-ON HOP TOTAL DOG chic # 170180 We will add more info as we get closer to breeding time. Call Us MYLO PAGOSA See available puppies TRIGGER setting up the nursery Get on the wait list wait list MONTROSE Take a look at the Nursery Next MONTROSE as a puppy Decided on a second breeding for the spring with Pagosa. She is a UKC Champion(working on Grand with one leg earned), and has one level of her Trick Titles(TKN) She has passed all of her testing, and we have had requests for a litter from her. Ask to be added to her list, and fill out an application Apply Now She will most likely bring a smaller size, a little more drive to do sports and show. A little shallower chest for gastro health we hope. A great, willing, confident brain. She is obedient and loyal to her people. If you are interested in a puppy from this potential breeding, please message for for questions, We are interviewing a couple studs, and one that will give us some brown, possibly cream Partis, Phantoms, etc, We have found that this male is a category 10 with Pagosa, and carries traits that we are hoping for in the next generation. Apply Now
- High Mesa Standards
Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado Bandit's Past Puppies
- High Mesa Standards
Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado Pierce's Testing ####### PIERCE BETTERBRE/DIVERSITY
- High Mesa Standards
Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado REVIEWS Reviews: Testimonials Tammy Bachman "Teresa is amazing! She has a deep love for her dogs and is one of the most knowledgeable breeders I've met. Breezy has a wonderful personality. She's laid back and extremely loyal. She's exactly what I've been looking for in a dog." Here are a few comments from Buyers off Facebook High Mesa Standards Reviews: Our Services Quality Control Our Job and commitment is to give your puppy the best start he can ha ve Want to see how each individual puppy is doing in their training? click here to go to Puppy Report Cards Little Cutie Pies Before our babies step one foot out of this house, we take the time to make sure they will succeed with their new families, We believe in the "Puppy Culture" ideas of introducing our little ones to a wide variety of sounds, sights, textures, adventures, and touches, at a very young age. we will start your puppy at birth to be comfortable with ordinary daily happenings, as well as the big "G" GROOMING! Since your puppy requires regular grooming, we will start him/her early.shaving, combing, trimming nails etc, and make sure it is a fun experience for them. Your baby will have appropriate shots, wormings, dewclaws removed, tails will be docked, (unless we have announced that we have chosen not to dock a particular litter) and a Physical exam Report from the veterinarian. All Puppies will go home with a goody bag, starter food, toys, basic instructions and a litter mate snuggle cloth so she's not too lonely. *** BE SURE TO BRING A CRATE WHEN PICKING YOUR BABY UP Get in Touch
- High Mesa Standards
Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado
- High Mesa Standards
Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado Rose's Past Puppies UNDER CONSTRUCTION
- High Mesa Standards
Standard Poodle Breeder, Quality Standard Poodles, Standard Poodle Puppies on the Western Slope of Colorado Where is Telluride in his Career? Telluride has earned his UKC CHAMPIONSHIP in just his first show weekend! He is highly intelligent, willing and a bit goofy and fun hearted too. We have taken a small break from showing so that I could get his sister's first Title as well. He has just been tested for hips(L-0,32 R-0.35), elbows(good), heart(good), dentition(full),Eyes(normal) and Thyroid health(normal), as well as his already cleared Genetics and is diversity test through BetterBred. We have used him for one outside breeding and he produced 8 beautiful healthy puppies. He is a silver parti tuxedo,60 lbs and 26" tall at the shoulder. He carries Phantom, Blue, Brindle and Brown. Check out his color genetics here Telly's Genetic testing INTRODUCING: UCH Despres High Mesa Telluride Attitude! All Testing Clear and Normal. Telly is our Silver Parti, PROVEN stud. He is a gorgeous, well tempered and happy boy, who is a great Daddy, and addition to our program. He is 60 lbs. and 26". We are offering up for stud for approved fully tested Standard Poodles. (No minis, doodles or Merles) Stud Contract Telly's Testing Below is Telly's first live cover litter. 8 Beautiful puppies